- Util::Underscore on CPAN
- Util::Underscore on GitHub
- Status: mostly stable, most functions are provided by other modules anyway.
- First released: March 2014
- languages: Perl
This module is a collection of various helper functions.
It solves two problems:
(1) I like fully qualified subroutine names
to avoid namespace pollution.
(2) I don't like having to remember
which util module contains a given function.
Util::Underscore therefore aliases them into the _
so that they can be invoked like _::any { $_ > 0 } @nums
There are also a couple of new additions
like _::croakf $pattern, @args
as a shorthand for _::croak sprintf $pattern, @args
and various safe type checks
like _::is_array_ref
or _::can $object, $method
I enjoy this module for personal projects and for one-liners, because it makes a large toolbox of functions immediately accessible. But for published projects, adding this large dependency is probably not the best idea :-)
The code for this module is not spectacular since it mostly consist of aliases. However, I expended significant effort to carefully document and test all functions. Where I just aliased the functions the tests only cover basic cases, but should be enough to prevent accidental breakage when an upstream module changes. The documentation is rather formal, and tends to surpass the original docs in quality. My experience writing these docs has lead to the blog post Good API documentation.